Monday, November 14, 2011

Formats - LeaderBoard - and more

Since my last post, much has happened.  We have over 80,000 score cards printed.  We have 4 formats to choose from: Personalized, Personal Lite, Tally and Vegas-Style. 

We currently have over 150 themes loaded.  Please keep sending in your ideas.  If I like your idea, I will create the theme. 

If you are interested in taking the pain out of running a tournament, then you must check out LeaderBoard.  LeaderBoard is a simple and intuitive way to manage the tournament.  Player scores are entered and can see player rank.  At the end of the tournament, the scores and the payouts are automatically calculated.  All splits are equally divided.  You simply must check it out.

Well, thanks again to everyone who is supporting this site.  Expect more great things.

Remember to Play Euchre and Play Often


Euchre Dude