Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog. Please share anything, especially stories, tips, strategies, etc. regarding Euchre.


lonewolf20 said...

EUCHREPAD Really works and Duke, way to go man! I really like the brand new layout for your web page.

lonewolf20 said...
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Candycane2 said...
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Candycane2 said...

Hi! I love this website. My favorite thing besides the scorecards that I can personalize is the toolbar. I can listen to the radio, and check the weather with it. But my all time favorite is that I can send out a message to anyone using the toolbar that I need 6 more players to play a game of euchre.
Thank you soooo much Duke! Your website is the best!

Unknown said...

Hey Duke! I like the website you run. It has helped me immensely with tournaments. Its very fast, and quick.
Thanks, I will be back time and time again.

EuchreBill said...

We are having our 10th Annual Chatgamers Euchre/Spades Party in Monroe, Mi on July 18 & 19 at the Holiday Inn Express. Progressive Euchre on Friday night, Spades on saturday morning and 2 partners tourneys sat afternoon and saturday night..Cash Prizes. Entrance Fee 60.00 for the weekend, gets u in the 4 tourneys, a goodie bag of items from internet companies.

Write to Bill at w.doering@comcast.net for more info.